
Why shared workspace is more than desks and chairs?

As the growth of small businesses in South Africa continues to accelerate, there is a need to ensure that the small businesses get all the support they need in order to achieve long-term sustainability. Along with the government, independent incubators and shared workspaces are also their bit to fill this gap. Part of this involves...

Covid19 SA Government Response – Business Growth/Resilience Facility

The second facility that the Department of Small Business Development has introduced is the Business Growth and Resilience Facility. This facility is targeted at SMMEs who locally manufacture or supply hygiene and medical products that are in demand in order to curb and manage the spread of the COVID-19 virus. These include sanitizers, detergents...

Covid19 SA Government Response – Solidarity Response Fund

The President has announced a new Solidarity Response Fund to help curb the spread of Coronavirus, and assist those whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic, with the implication that debt relief and similar measures would be available to businesses and individuals. What to know about this fund: The government will provide...