Tag - News (Resources)

SiMODiSA Hosts the Gauteng Department of Economic Development

Entrepreneurs, small business owners and the entrepreneurial community at large is invited to join us as we host the Gauteng Department of Economic Development for a webinar unpacking the Gauteng Township Economy Bill. The entrepreneurial economy is encouraged to give their comments on the bill and in this webinar, the Gauteng Department of Economic Development...

Google launches Digital Hub for SMEs

Google has announced new tools to help businesses, job seekers,  educational institutions and vulnerable populations to recover from the impact of the Covid-19 crisis, with the aim to address the need for funding, training and services across various sectors, including support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and teachers. Among other initiatives, Google has set...

Yiedi programmes to assist technology businesses are open.

Applications are now open for Yiedi's technology programmes If you are a high-growth technology business, the IBM Techschale is for you. It is a fully sponsored programme and applications close on the 15th of October 2020. If you are an aspiring technology business and have a tech idea, the Technology Programme is what you...

Gauteng home to most tech startups, but Cape firms still more successful – survey

Gauteng is now home to 55% of tech startup founders — ahead of the Western Cape’s 37%. In all, 36% of Western Cape startups report turning a profit or generating significant revenue, compared to 22% in Gauteng. The percentage of black tech startups has risen from 26% in 2015, to 56% this year. Just seven...

GEN launches Start-up Campus, 22 On Sloane

22 On Sloane was launched on 10th November 2017. This is the first one opened by the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) and will offer direct and virtual support services to entrepreneurs throughout Africa as well as access to an international network of mentors, investors and entrepreneurial support organisations. Read more Source: Biz Community ')}...

Entrepreneurs, small businesses celebrated

The National Small Business Chamber (NSBC) hosted the ninth annual Small Business and Entrepreneurship Awards on the 9th November 2017. Small businesses were recognised for their contribution to the economy and employment. “We are astounded at the diversity of entrants this year, but equally encouraged as it shows the depth and breadth of South Africa’s...

Richard Branson to Open Global Entrepreneurship Week at the Launch of New GEN Startup Campus in Johannesburg

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Global Entrepreneurship Week, founder of Virgin Group, Sir Richard Branson, will officially open the week by participating in the launch of a new start-up campus - 22 on Sloane in Johannesburg. The campus is the first one to be opened by the Global Entrepreneurship Network  and will...